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Top 10 for 2012 & 5 Resolutions for 2013

It was a really wonderful year! This was the year we became a family of 4! This was the year Isis really went from being a toddler to a child! This was the year I finished my first year of teaching & began my second year, which is wonderful because it's not considered an intern year anymore! Here was my top 10 for the year!
1. Isis turned 2 years old!
2. We found out we were pregnant with baby #2!
3. I finished my first full year of teaching (& KTIP)!
4. Isis was potty trained!!!
5. Isis took her first swim lessons at the YMCA!
6. I joined the gym - which if you know me well you know that's CRAZY.
7. We found out we were having another girl!
8. Lewis and I celebrated 8 years of marriage on October 2!
9. Lux Violet was born on October 12!
10. We celebrated 1 full year in our house, right before celebrating our first Christmas as a family of 4!
And then in honor of the new year, here are 5 resolutions for 2013!
1. Read through the entire Bible. I'm planning on doing this with a YouVersion reading plan. They are the only thing I'm consistently able to keep up with!
2. Complete P90X. I start tomorrow, January 1! I won't be able to do it every day, but my goal is to do it at least 4 times a week.
3. Start my Masters. I'm planning on starting in the Summer!
4. Complete at least 1 service project per month. I will be doing this mainly with my Life Group girls in the high school program at church.
5. Read at least 1 book a month. I just feel like I need to not slack on reading this year.


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