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Newborn Summary: Week 10

I'm so behind on these. Thank you, Christmas festivities! LOL so I'm going to keep this one short.

Nursing: Things are normal. Nursing both sides every time. She's feeding every 3 hours. I'm not going to stretch her past 3 hours until after she starts consistently sleeping 12 hours. I want to make sure she gets enough during the day. I also met with the pediatrician at Lux's 2 month appointment and she said not to do formula once a day unless I have to, so I stopped. I mean, we've done it a couple of times because we needed to when I had an appointment and had to leave or something, but other than that, I've just been exclusively breastfeeding.

Waketime: She was at 1 hr and 15 minutes this week. Sometimes an hour & 30 minutes.

Swaddling: She is successfully unswaddled. I have her in the blanket sleepers. She will either wear a long pants, long sleeved pajama outfit with a sleeveless blanket sleeper over it or she will wear a short sleeved onesie with a long sleeved blanket sleeper.

Nighttime sleep: Just to keep track of this, these were the dates of 12/14-12/20. I also am so late doing this that I forget what happened each night.

Night 1 - Friday night - We were out this night looking at Christmas lights, so I fed her at 7:30 and put her to bed. She woke up at 12:30, 4:30 and then 8:00. She had 2 feedings after we went to bed (12:30 & 4:30) and her longest stretch was 5 hours from 7:30 to 12:30.

Night 2 - Saturday night - I fed her at 6:45 and put her to bed. She woke up at 6:15, so I just got her up for the day! She had no feedings after we went to bed, so her nighttime stretch was 11.5 hours!

Night 3 - Sunday night - I fed her at 6:30 and put her to bed. She woke up at 11:30, 4:00 & 7:30. She had 2 feedings after we went to bed (11:30 & 4:00 - yes we go to bed at like 10:00) and her longest stretch was 5 hours from 6:30 to 11:30.

Night 4 - Monday night - I fed her at 6:45 and put her to bed. She woke up at 9:15, 2:45 & 7:15. I think she was having a growth spurt these couple of nights. Isis did this, too, where rather than have growth spurts where she ate more during the day, she would instead just wake up more at night. They'd last longer - like a week - but at least there was no every hour & a half around the clock growth spurts anymore. Anyway, She had 1 feeding after we went to bed (2:45) and her longest stretch was 5.5 hours from 9:15 to 2:45.

Night 5 - Tuesday night - I fed her at 6:45 and put her to bed. She woke up at 9:30 and then 7:30. She had no feedings after we went to bed and her longest stretch was 10 hours from 9:30 to 7:30.

Night 6 - Wednesday night - I fed her at 6:30 and put her to bed. She woke up at 11:45, 5:15 and 7:45. She had 2 feedings after we went to bed (11:45 & 5:15) and her longest stretch was 5.5 hours from 11:45 to 5:15.

Night 7 - Thursday night - I fed her at 6:45 & put her to bed. She woke up at 12:45, 2:30 and 6:30. She had 2 feedings after we went to bed (12:45 & 2:30) and her longest stretch was 6 hours from 6:45 to 12:45. 

Naps: Naps are still a hot mess. 45 minutes to an hour, never consistent. 

Sibling: Isis is just so sweet with Lux all the time now. Her potty issue is getting a little better. She only woke up about once a night this week to use the bathroom and I think that's totally normal.

Schedule: The only thing that is really consistent is that we are feeding every 3 hours. Her waketime was about an hour & 15 minutes to an hour & a half.

Mom stuff: I have been seeing the counselor once a week & that's helping a lot!!

Milestones: Still just lots of cooing & smiling! I love it!!


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