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Christmas 2012

Christmas was really fun this year! I have never had a little baby at Christmas before. Isis was born right after Christmas, so she was almost a year old her first Christmas. It was really great having Lux there. It was also truly magical seeing the Christmas experience through Isis' eyes.

Our festivities started on Saturday. My parents, my grandfather, his wife & daughter all came over for a brunch & gifts! I was excited because we had gotten my parents a Keurig! Isis got a super cute Coach purse from her Aunt Ellen! She loves it and puts her lip gloss and dress-up rings in it and carries it around. I didn't even know they made little coin purses like that, but it is just Isis sized! She also got a Sit & Spin! I loved those when I was a kid!! She loves spinning around on it while I make dinner in the kitchen now! Lux got a really cute little play mat. We are taking her old one to the babysitter's house when I go back to school, so we needed a cute one to keep at home! My grandfather is my only grandparent left, so I really cherish spending time with him. It was really fun seeing him interact with Isis & Lux as well!

We then hosted a Christmas dinner for my mom's side of the family on Sunday night. My parents came over again, my aunt and her husband and then my cousin and his wife. Isis gets so excited just to have people in the house! I don't get to see this side of the family as often as I would like, so I really enjoyed seeing all of them and letting Isis play with everyone! She loves to show off her bedroom and play tea party in her play room in the bedroom. She also got a Rapunzel baby doll from Tangled from my aunt. She has been brushing her hair and putting her to bed ever since!

Christmas Eve we went to Lewis' cousin's house to celebrate Christmas with his side of the family! It was really special because his other cousin, who is a missionary in Thailand, was in town for the first time in years!! We got to see them and their family of 4 kids! The cousin who was hosting also has 3 children, so it was a lot of kids!! Isis is much younger than all of them, so she wasn't quite ready to play with them alone, but it's always fun to celebrate the holidays with a group of kids!

Lewis' parents came home with us Christmas Eve and spent the night. They did this last year, too. I love that we have a house with the room for them to do this and it was really fun cooking food and exchanging gifts with them that night, but I do have to say that next year, we aren't going to have anyone spend the night on Christmas Eve. When we woke up Christmas morning, my parents came over at 7:30 so that all the grandparents were there when we came downstairs to see what Santa brought. That was just a lot of excitement for everyone! It was so fun to see Isis run up to the empty plate & cup from the milk & cookies and go, "Mommy, Santa ate them all up!!!" And then she noticed her new Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair! She had seen one at her friend Jeremiah's house and just absolutely loved it, so there was no question what Santa would be bringing her this year! She seriously has hardly gotten out of it since she got it! She also got an adorable princess dress that her Babaw made her! It was a really wonderful Christmas! I love that Isis spent some time singing Happy Birthday to Jesus during the day too. Such a cutie!

There is one thing I really hadn't considered much before, but we have decided we have to make a priority next year, is the sacredness of Christmas morning for our family. That is why next year we aren't going to have anyone spend the night on Christmas Eve and we aren't going to have grandparents there first thing Christmas morning. We want to keep that time sacred to our little family of four. Grandparents can come over later in the day or we can go to them, but we just really look forward to just the 4 of us cozying up on Christmas morning and enjoying those first moments together. I think it's funny that this year, now that we have 2 children, we are really starting to realize the importance of separating ourselves from more extended family and celebrating the 4 of us. That isn't to say anything negative about grandparents or aunts & uncles or anything like that, but rather to just emphasize our immediate family unit. Seeing my 2 girls on Christmas just really brought to mind how thankful I am for our family. I have a wonderful husband who is a truly gracious and giving father and two beautiful girls who are just bursting with joy. What a wonderful blessing and really the best gift!


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