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Packing my Hospital Bag

I've already packed my hospital bag, but I thought maybe I'd share what I'm bringing this time. There are a few things different from last time.

For me:
Pair of sweatpants/yoga pants
the comfortable, not super tight kind
2 t-shirts
comfortable, easy to pull up to nurse, so not tight
1 cute nightgown & a cute robe
I got a cute nursing one at Motherhood Maternity. Last time I didn't bring anything like this. I just slept in a t-shirt. But I remember just feeling frumpy and I wanted to feel somewhat cute after birth.
4 pairs of underwear
I bring extras because it's messy after birth & you never know. Also along those lines, I bring the older ones that are really comfortable - think your period pair, ladies. Another thought on this topic, if you have a preference on ginormous pads, bring your own, but in my opinion, none of them are comfortable so I just use the hospital ones.
Nursing bra
a comfortable one, notice the comfort theme
Couple of nursing pads
Just in case things get messy, although with Isis, my milk didn't come in until I got home, so things really weren't messy at all at the hospital.
for me this includes toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, deodorant, my own washcloths & hand towel, hair brush, headband & ponytail holders
yes I am that girl that puts on makeup in the hospital. I don't care. People are taking pictures & I feel more confident & I just gave birth, so I'd like to look somewhat attractive.
Hair straightener
I wash my hair at night, let it air dry as I sleep & then I straighten it in the morning. I'll do it 1 day at the hospital, then leave my hair as it is for a day. Again, pictures & confidence!
Pair of socks
just in case the floor is cold, but I kinda prefer to be sock-free
Digital Camera
Cell phone & cell phone charger

For baby:
3 outfits
2 normal ones, 1 home from the hospital outfit. Although I must say, I'm not sure yet if I'll use the regular outfits. I didn't with Isis. I just used the home from the hospital outfit. And these are the one-piece footed outfits, not separates. Although her home from the hospital outfit this time is 2 pieces because it was cuuuuute.
2 receiving blankets & a few burp cloths
I just think my receiving blankets are cuter to be honest.
1 hat
a cute pink one that matches all her outfits!
this is 1 thing I did not bring with Isis and I wish I had! Makes nursing so much easier!!
Hand mitts
I didn't bring these with Isis, but I will this time! Those new baby fingernails are sharp!

What would you add? Or take off?


Cathy Anderson said…
I am 3 weeks from delivery and I ordered bali minimizer bras in order to get ready for breastfeeding. When I put it on I decided I'll be wearing it until the baby comes! It really is that comfortable. I haven't slept in it but I bet I could. I love the hint of padding! I'm a 36B and ordered a medium- I definitely have room to grow in the cups and the band is just right. I think I might order another color.

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