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My 10 month accomplishment!

Today was my final day of breastfeeding with Isis. We made it 10 months & I think that's pretty fabulous! I wanted to breastfeed to 1 year, but I mentioned before that when I started student teaching, there was a significant drop in my supply. After less than a month of student teaching, Isis went from exclusively getting breastfed to taking 1 bottle a day, then after a couple more weeks 2 bottles a day. I stopped nursing her at night about a week ago and today was the last time I nursed her in the morning. I wasn't producing much, so Isis & I had a little chat this morning & we were both just done. It had been a struggle to get much of anything the last couple of weeks.

So 10 months!!

I'm proud of myself. 
It was hard, then it was easy, then it was hard again, but overall I have been incredibly happy with this experience & I look forward to breastfeeding my future children for as long as possible!

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Anonymous said…
That is awesome!! Great job mama and Isis!
Amanda said…
Well done, you've done a wonderful job. Isis is so adorable!! x
Lindsey Clair said…
Awesome, Congrats! 10 months is amazing! All three of my girls only nursed until three months. I had to pump until the sixth month. It was so wierd. They all preferred the bottle LOL

Livy said…
Great job! I am ready to be done soon too.
Unknown said…
Beautiful job -- look at that healthy girl! It's a little sad for it to be over, right? A big transition! But it sounds like the right time for both of you. Happy 10 months to Isis!
The Planet Pink said…
I think the best way to wean is to do it when you're both ready, and it sounds like the time was right for you both. Great job mama!
JoJo said…
She looks beautiful healthy. You did a fantastic job!
mdforkids said…
Congratulations Cameron! That is a wonderful accomplishment and look how happy, healthy, and beautiful your baby girl is. :)
Tat said…
Well done and it's great that you both agreed it was a good time to move on :)
Mama Smors said…
great job!!! i hope tula and i can make it 10 months too :) i am so proud of your attitude throughout this situation. you are awesome!! (and i hope you feel better too!!)
Melissa said…
Good work, mama! I think nursing can be the best of times and the worst of times. :)

I love Isis' arms. So.Cute.
Unknown said…
Well done! I breast-fed all 3 of mine just over 11 months. Enjoy having your breasts back to yourself!!! Go out and buy a few pretty bras!
Glad you're happy, and what an adorable face she has!
Fab said…
Congratulations! I want to breastfeed for a year too but we will see what happens because I have heard of other people whose supplies decrease for various reasons as well. But 10 months is great!
Mama Smors said…
Cameron, congrats to you and isis for making it this far!!! I am so proud of your positive attitude and it is definitely a great example for my to follow when our day comes. Breastfeeding can be hard work but it is such a special time for you and your baby.... cheers to 10 months!!!
Rosilind Jukic said…
Congratulations!!! Wow! I am almost at the 10-month mark and can't believe that we've gotten this far. Especially when neither my mom or sister made it past a few months.
Amy said…
Well done! It's great to hear you so positive about stopping. Sounds like the right time for you and Isis. Way to go!

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