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Post-Partum Hair Loss, Stretch Marks & More

First, let's look at my beautiful pregnancy hair...

Oh  my gosh, how awesome was that? I am someone who has really thin hair to begin with & the fact that my hair got lovely & a little thicker during pregnancy was just a barrel of fun for me!

Well, this is a picture that was taken 4 months after having Isis & it was the first time I started to realize that all my hair around the front part of my forehead had fallen out. My forehead looks huge-mongous. Let's compare...

Not my favorite picture of myself. But anyway, now it's all starting to grow back in a little & it sticks up real bad. It's like half an inch long. I tried to take a picture with my phone, but it didn't come out great - because it's a phone. Still, here it is...

So at least it's growing back, but it's not awesome. 
Couple that with the stretch marks...

and post-partum body stuff is just not nearly as fun as pregnancy body stuff. Although, there were plenty of aspects of pregnancy that were gross & plenty of ways my post-partum body stuff could be worse. 

I'm not really looking to compare stretch marks or complain a lot about mine.My point with all of this is that we all have something post-partum about our bodies that we don't like - something that happened as a result of hormones or weight gain or c-section or, you know, growing a person!! But like I've said before, it's all about perspective. I earned those stretch marks & I worked hard for that hair loss. Because this...

is more than worth it. And if next time, all my hair falls out or my belly is covered in stretch marks, I'll be the mom with the wig & the one-piece bathing suit who is overjoyed that my body was able to make a baby & if that comes with stretch marks & hair loss, then I'll take it all!


Adriel Booker said…
yeah, so true... so good. i've been really irritated by how my hair loss has TAKEN OVER my entire house. my long, dark hair is just everywhere. i've even found it in levi's diaper - what the?!! poor kid. i've always had a lot of hair which equals a lot of shedding... so this postpartum vamp up on the hair loss has taken it from bad to WORSE! good reminder to keep perspective. thanks.
p.s. i just read this post in my google reader. aren't you just so proud of me? :) working in it...
Cameron said…
I am so proud of you!!! I love the Google Reader!!!
Unknown said…
I love your view on having babies. Too many women complain about what happens to their bodies. It's an amazing beautiful thing to make a sweet baby and every knows what happens to our bodies, best to avoid having kids if a hot body is all that matters.

You are awesome, and the best part is your stretch marks should fade and will most likely be too light to notice.
Mama Hen said…
Oh my goodness Cameron that last picture is so cute! The first one is beautiful! Your stretch marks are a way of remembering the greatest gift in your life! When it really comes down to it in life, it is all about what is inside! You have a great attitude! Have a wonderful weekend!
Cluttered Brain said…
Awww!! Cute baby!!
And you look dang cute too!
thanks fer stopping by my blog! Your blog is kinda fancy too!! You got yourself a NEW FOLLOWER now too!!!
Anonymous said…
You're still beautiful! And your baby is simply gorgeous. New follower from the Lady Bloggers Tea Party!
The Planet Pink said…
The postpartum hair loss sucks really. Princess #4 is 17 months old and I'm still losing more than I'd like. My hair is the longest it's been in forever too, so there's ALOT of it around. I'm giving our dog a run for his money in the shedding department. LOL You're right though, of course it's worth it. Annoying, but worth it. :-)

Darn Adriel for showing me up. I didn't use Google Reader this time. ;-)
vanita said…
cheers to that. I so agree with you. Imagine I have four kids. My bangs were in tuffs too. It's been 8 months since Natasha was born and it's totally grown back in.

Thanks for the visit and the heads up on the phone. I left you a reply and then realized you may not see it. :-D
I'll check my local radioshack tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
Visiting via Lady Bloggers Tea Party.
You are so cute! I had the hair issues too. It is so worth it girl! Your baby is adorable. :)
Traci said…
What a cutie pie picture that is. I feel ya on the stretch marks. Our battle scars of pregnancy.
Traci said…
oops..forgot to say that I'm visiting from the Lady Bloggers Society Tea Party.
MultipleMum said…
You call those stretch marks? Try having twins as numbers 3 and 4 lol. They don't call them "Mummy markers" for nothing. Aren't we lucky? The alternative is no kids, perfect skin. Like you, I know which I would choose :)
Liz said…
That is such a great attitude!
Jessica Warrick said…
just be thankful you did not develop mental problems and postpartum depression its the worst to deal with.
Anything is worth that little bundle of joy that is yours! :)

And I don't know if I've told you before, but I just love that you named her Isis- that's so lovely! :)
hannah said…
Great perspective on the "flaws" we may gain from having children.

My sister didn't get a single stretch mark during her two pregnancies, which irritates me, but she has other imperfections to show for it. And even if the hair loss (just wait until it grows back--then it looks weirder!), stretch marks, and c-section scar bother me sometimes, they seem so trivial compared to what caused them.
Jackie Higgins said…
You're braver than me :) But you are right, what we get in return is AMAZING!
Dawn said…
Seriously you are too cute! And your belly minus those few stretch marks which are minimal compared to what I carry daily look awesome! And I agree, the little bundle that appears after,


I just posted new pictures of Vanessa!
BIG DOG said…
Your content is nothing short of brilliant in many ways. I think this is engaging and eye-opening material. Thank you so much for caring about your content and your readers. men's hair replacement

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