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Summer Reading: Cameron Edition

Reached by Ally Condie
This is the 3rd book in the Matched series. I read Matched and Crossed a while ago and finally picked this one up. I had to go back to read a summary of the first 2 so I could remember what happened and it took me a couple chapters to get into it because of that, I think. But by the end, I really enjoyed it! It wasn't my absolute favorite dystopian series, but it was enjoyable!

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
This is the 2nd book in the Delirium series. I read Delirium last year sometime and I remember picking up Pandemonium but not being able to get into it for whatever reason. I think it was during the school year and books are always harder for me to read then. Reading it this summer was perfect because I got into it quickly and really liked it!!

The Little Lady Agency by Hester Browne
This is a chick lit novel about a girl who starts a life-consulting kind of company. She takes men shopping for clothes & teaches them how to behave on a date and stuff like that. She will also pretend to be someone's girlfriend at a family event or something - but no funny business. LOL. I actually enjoyed it a lot! There are 2 more in the series and I have the 2nd one checked out from the library & ready to read!

Trust Me On This by Jennifer Crusie
This book was enjoyable enough and a very quick read, but not very realistic. I was actually kinda annoyed by how totally unrealistic it was for a realistic fiction novel. It's another chick lit book. I've read another Jennifer Crusie novel, The Cinderella Deal, and I liked that one better than this one, although none of hers are really the best in the genre in my mind. (Also, I know this is stupid, but if you have a Goodreads account, the book I read has the cover above, not the one on the Goodreads site. I've said before, I totally judge books by their covers & I must say if the one I'd picked up had the cover on the Goodreads page, I wouldn't have read it.)

Requiem by Lauren Oliver
This is the 3rd book in the Delirium series. I enjoyed it as much as the first 2! Again, not my favorite dystopian series, but it was definitely interesting & enjoyable to read!

Rumour Has It by Jill Mansell
Another chick lit novel, this was my first Jill Mansell book. I enjoyed it enough, but I didn't think it was very good. Now, granted, sometimes I'm not looking for "good." I'm looking for enjoyable & an escape. This was very much both of those. But I didn't feel like the relationship between the characters was very well developed. I didn't really understand what made the narrator all that different to the love interest. Why was she the one who finally got him after all this time of being a bachelor? It just was never really clear to me and therefore lost some of its appeal. I'm going to find some more of hers, though, to see if maybe it was just this book and not the author in general.

Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
This is a good girl/bad boy young adult novel. It definitely captured my attention from the beginning and I read it quickly & loved it! It's not as good as Beautiful Disaster by Jamie Mcguire, which I read earlier this year, but it's good enough!

A couple I couldn't finish:

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
I loved the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver, so I decided to try this one. I got about 5 chapters into it and I just hated the narrator. She's a high schooler with few redeeming qualities & I could tell it was kinda building toward her learning about herself and making some better decisions, but I just couldn't get myself to care about her enough to care if she did figure it all out. Annoying. I didn't finish it.

Forget You by Jennifer Echols
This is another young adult book that I just couldn't get into. I tend to try to read young adult novels because they are less racy and I get less embarrassed reading them, but I have to really get into it by the first 2 chapters or I'll just put it down. Mainly because I'm not in high school anymore and while I can still remember what it was like, I relate more to adult characters. So this one may be okay in the end, but I couldn't really get into it after chapter 2, so I put it down as well.

Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman by Beth Moore
I'm currently going through this bible study with some women from school. I love it!! I did the Daniel study and this one is more practical life application and less history and prophesy. I loved the Daniel study, too, so I recommend both.
Living Free by Beth Moore
This is just a bible study book from Beth Moore, not connected to a video series. I went to a ladies night at church a couple of months ago and they talked about this one and I really love it as well!


The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning
I really haven't read many non-fiction Christian books lately and I picked up this one also after that ladies night at church. I'm blogging through my reading of it, so follow along if you're interested!

Do you have a Goodreads account? I'm trying to keep mine up to date with books I want to read, am reading and have read!! Follow me on Goodreads!!


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