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Glyde Review

I, like many of you, have found myself with extra electronics or DVDs that I would like to sell & get some money for rather than just keep them around the house when we are finished with them. My go-to places for this have always been eBay or Craigslist. Both of which have their pros and cons. The one thing I know I always hated was the shipping - figuring out which box or package to use, how much to charge, etc. Then going to the post office or other shipping place and just taking the time to go through the whole shipping process.

Well, I was contacted by someone from Glyde, a new way to buy and sell your games, iPods, iPhones & more! They gave me an opportunity to try out their site. They provided the merchandise and just asked me to set up an account, list the item, set the price and then ship it after it sold. In exchange, they asked that I give the proceeds to the charity of my choice. (I must say, it was a no-brainer that I'd be donating to Adriel's Bloggers for Birth Kits.)

Launched in 2009 by people behind eBay Motors, Glyde is a person-to-person, online marketplace that makes it truly easy to sell your old iPad, Android, iPhone, video games, or DVDs.  Glyde was founded on the idea that buying and selling your things online should be easy, safe, and economical. It has an incredibly user-friendly interface where you can list your iPad in seconds for free.  No descriptions to write or pictures to take. (An iPad is what I was provided to sell.) Best part, in my opinion: when it sells, Glyde sends you an easy-to-use shipping kit with everything you need.  Just place your item into the kit and drop it in the mail. Once the buyer receives your item, you get paid.

Here's what I liked about Glyde:
  • Listing was incredibly easy! You chose the specifications of the item you are selling and they give you a suggested listing price, which you can obviously adjust. You pay nothing to list and Glyde only takes a percentage if your item sells.
  • Best part about the pricing is that you are able to see how many people have the same product listed for prices close to yours. You can adjust to be the cheapest of your item if you want to sell quickly!
  • Also with the pricing, you can see immediately what your selling price is and what your proceeds would be after Glyde takes their percentage.
  • SHIPPING. This was by far the easiest and best thing about the whole experience for me. When you are pricing, you don't have to list a shipping price. It's taken care of.
  • After your item is purchased, Glyde sends you a package to put your item in. It has a mailing label to your buyer in it. All you have to do is stick the label on the package, put your item in the box and drop it in your closest Post Office box. Absolutely the easiest & least stressful online selling I've ever done!
  • Wonderful customer service & team on staff at Glyde. I had a great experience working with the team & was given the opportunity for lots of support if I needed it! (Although I must say, with the ease of the whole process, I didn't end up asking for it.)
 Here's what I wasn't sure about:
  • I didn't buy any items on Glyde, so I'm not sure if the buying process is as easy as the selling process, but really with the ease of everything I experienced, I can't imagine that it would be difficult.
  • I don't know how Glyde's percentage compares to what is taken out by sites like eBay. With Glyde, they take a percentage and then you pay for the shipping box, usually $1-$3.50. You can read about Glyde's percentage for selling transactions here.
Overall, I really liked the process!

Selling on Glyde was the easiest and least stressful online selling process I've ever had. My husband and I have a lot of experience buying and selling on eBay and Craigslist and we were both really impressed with the whole process at Glyde. We will definitely use them next time we are selling these types of products online! I highly recommend checking it out next time you have some electronics to sell!


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