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I Needed These Words

Sometimes people share something & it just fits in whatever place you are in your life right now. My friend Queeny at The Planet Pink shared this post by Jen Hatmaker called After the Airport. On the surface, it's about adoption, but beneath the surface, it's about struggling or being broken. It's a long post, but it really is worth it. I've shared the last paragraph below, because it's the part that I haven't been able to get out of my head since I read it. I've reread the post at least 3 times now. If you're interested at all, read the whole post, not just this last paragraph.

"Oh let us be a community who loves each other well. Because someone is always struggling through the "after the airport" phase, when the chords of human kindness become a lifeline of salvation. Let us watch for the struggling members of our tribe, faking it through sarcasm or self-deprecation or a cheerfully false report. May we refuse to let someone get swallowed up in isolation, drowning in grief or difficulties that seem too heavy to let anyone else carry. Let's live this big, beautiful Life together, rescuing each other from the brink and exposing the unending compassion of our Jesus who called us to this high level of community; past the romantic beginnings, through the messy and mundane middles, and all the way to the depths."

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The Planet Pink said…
I haven't been able to get it out of my head either.
Jennifer said…
LOVE this article. A friend who adopted 2 boys and already had one, then became pregnant right after adopting posted this story because of all the same emotions. I bawled my eyes out reading this!

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