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Summer Reading Update

I have been reading a lot this summer! Everything from books for entertainment to books for school! I thought I'd share some of the good (and not so good) so far!

I posted earlier this summer about my summer reading plans. I've only completed one of them. It's Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. After reading that one, I read Linger and Forever, the second and third in the trilogy. I loved these books!! I enjoyed them a lot more than I thought I would! I was just checking these out, not really looking for something in the werewolf genre. But I loved them! I actually really liked the characters & the fact that they weren't weak or annoying. There were some strong girl characters, which can sometimes be harder to find in young adult books. I definitely recommend them! The second one is my favorite of the bunch, but I liked them all!

I also started reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare from my earlier Summer Reading List. I haven't actually finished it yet. I'm about halfway through it and I haven't connected to it like I have a lot of other books, so I decided to set it aside for a little while & I'm going to pick it up again later.

Time of My Life by Allison Winn Scotch was just an average read for me. It's about a suburban housewife who wakes up one day and it's years earlier. She's still dating her ex-boyfriend, hasn't met her future husband yet and doesn't have her daughter. It's all about her discovering the "what could have been" kind of thing. I actually didn't really end up relating to the main character a whole lot. It was interesting to see how they come through the journey from "what could have been" to where she is now. I liked the way they ended it. But there were several things about the main character (I can't even remember her name right now) that just kept me from really connecting to her, so I can't say I would totally recommend this one.

Can You Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella was good and really cute! I have actually really started to enjoy the Sophie Kinsella books! It's not much different than any of the other ones, but I liked it!!

I also read The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. Another really cute book that I liked!

A friend of mine who works in a bookstore recommended I read My Name is Memory by Ann Brashares. Ann wrote The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and has since written two adult novels as well. My Name is Memory is one of these. It's the first of a trilogy, so as soon as I found that out, I was totally okay with the ending & I got really excited about the next two installments! This was one of my favorites that I've read this summer!

Two that I have attempted & not finished were The Truth About Diamonds by Nicole Richie and Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes. I had heard from someone a couple of years ago that they thought The Truth About Diamonds was pretty cute, but before I was even through the first chapter, I was just annoyed by everyone in the book and I wasn't even remotely interested in what happened to them from that point. Sushi for Beginners started out okay, but I think it was hard for me that it followed three different people and I just didn't connect with all of them. I stopped reading it after about 6 chapters.

Now, on my list for the rest of the summer is Matched by Ally Condie, French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano and Juliet by Anne Fortier! I'm hoping I'll be able to finish them before school starts on August 10!!

What have you been reading this summer?

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Jess said…
I found you through Queenie.

I have a love of YA books. I did read Shiver and liked it but for whatever reason I have not picked up Linger or Forever.
I also have read City of Bones and will say that the first time I picked it up several years ago now, I put it down and literally didn't come back to it for 1-2 years.
I'm conflicted with this one, because whereas I am an adult and not super impressionable, there were areas of the book that I wished weren't there. I did read the 2 and 3rd so apparently at that time in my life it wasn't something that put me off, just something I went yeah, yeah, yeah too and moved on. I'm super conflicted because I did enjoy them, but I have not picked up any of her other books.
That being said I am enjoying dystopian novels like The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner.
I also LOVE Jellicoe Road and Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta.
Also, North of Beautiful was an amazing story, Scrambled Eggs at Midnight was awesome.The Golden Spiral Series, Eyes Like Stars trilogy.
For fun I picked up Heist Society and the 2nd.
Books that I'm looking forward to reading are Wither, Across the Universe by Beth Revis (not about the Beatles) and Delerium.
Oh and Blood Red Road was really good too. Oh and there is one called Jane by April Lindler that's a Jane Eyre modernization, that one has some cussing, but I did enjoy it.
Graceling and Fire by Kristin Cashore, really good.
And I truly will stop there.
I love to read.

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