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Isis' Favorite Books!

These are the books we read over & over at our house! They  may or may not be Isis' favorite, but we read them a lot, so I guess maybe they're the most familiar right now! Since we've read them a lot, she tends to point to her favorite people in them. It's so funny! I've been in the market for some new kids books lately! I have a running list of ones I like that I've heard of & read, but I'm always interested in adding to my list!! Please let me know your favorite children's books!

Who doesn't love this one? I love the end: "Goodnight stars, goodnight air. Goodnight noises everywhere." Everytime we finish reading it, I'm wanting to just tuck myself into bed!

We actually love all our Llama Llama books! We have Llama Llama Holiday Drama, Llama Llama Misses Mama & Llama Llama Red Pajama. I was looking for Llama Llama Mad at Mama at the bookstore the other day, but they didn't have it! Looks like I'm ordering it off Amazon!! Isis always points to Llama Llama and then points to the Mama & she'll either say Mama or Dada. I love it!

This book is just super cute! It was given to me as a gift from the Kindergarten class where I did my practicum when I was pregnant. It's supposed to be for my class when I'm a teacher, but right now Isis gets to enjoy it!

I love Dr. Seuss & I just love reading this book to Isis! For some reason, this book has always made me emotional. I discovered the other day that we have 3 copies of it. I think that's funny and awesome.
This was one of the free kid's Nook books that was on my Nook when I got it! It's become one of our favorites because Isis loves flipping through the pictures on the Nook! It also reads to her & she'll watch it like it's tv.

This book is adorable! My mom got it for Isis along with a little tea set. We love it because Isis' middle name is Ruby! We love reading it to her & dreaming about her having tea with...the Queen!!

This is another book that was given to me by the Kindergarten class I did my practicum with when I was pregnant. We have read this to Isis several times & it's the weirdest thing - she absolutely goes crazy for it!! She will laugh at every page & point to everything like it's the best thing she's ever seen! It's just a book showing different colors in the real world. The colors are really bright & beautiful & apparently it's just the coolest thing for a little girl!!

We also love reading to Isis from a children's Bible. We actually have 3 or 4 of them. Some were given to us by friends, one she got at her baby dedication & one was mine from when I was a kid. I love how they are written in kid's language & they've got great pictures! I still remember reading mine when I was little!!

I'm also working on a big wish list of great books I know about, but haven't yet purchased or had given to me from book-loving grandparents!! I would LOVE to hear your suggestions!! What are your favorite children's books?

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The Planet Pink said…
One of our favorites is The Going To Bed Book by Sandra Boynton. We have hand motions and everything, the girls each grew up reading that every night before bed. Other favorites are Never Too Little To Love by Jeanne Willis and Jan Fearnley, Love Is You And Me by Monica Sheehan and anything by Karen Katz.
Livy said…
We're loving

The Fancy Nancy books
Ferdinand the bull
Guess how much I love you
Beatrix Potter tales
The Velveteen Rabbit
Harold and the Purple Crayon
Adriel Booker said…
oh, i love children's books!!! you've shown some i've not read before. some of our faves:

10 little fingers, 10 little toes
the animal boogie
on the night you were born
charlie & lola books
gossie & gertie books
wherever you are
mr. brown can moo, can you?
dr. seuss' abc's

i could go on and on... but should probably stop there. :)

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