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(This pic is not really related to anything, just thought it was funny. This is what Isis has started doing when you ask her to smile if you're taking a picture.)

Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a certain season of your life? Almost like you're taking little steps in a certain direction, but never really getting there? That's how I feel right now. For the last 4 years, Lewis and I have been students. I went back to school in January 2007 to be a teacher. Lewis went back to school to get his Masters in Business (MBA). We bought our townhouse in May 2007 because we just wanted a simple, little place with a mortgage we could easily afford, where we had very little upkeep & could just focus on finishing school with little stress.

Well now, here we are 4 years later. I am a college graduate and Lewis has his MBA. We have a 13 month old baby girl & are ready for more when we finally get into the next season of our lives. The next season involves career jobs and a house with room to have three kids. But for right now, we're in holding in this current season. Our house is on the market & until it sells, we obviously can't move into a bigger house, which also means we can't even discuss getting pregnant again. We also can't discuss getting pregnant again until I have a permanent teaching job.

I start my long term sub position in a 5th grade classroom next week. I am so excited about it! The teacher is going on maternity leave for at least 12 weeks, so it will be such a blessing for her to have that time off and for me to have an opportunity to get more experience teaching & to spend time with a really great group of students in a school I have really come to love! Hopefully this position will help me to get a permanent job in the fall, but schools don't start posting openings for the fall until March at the earliest. So I'm waiting.

Also, we put our house up for sale in January so that it would be on the market for a little while before the spring when people start looking for houses. But even then, with the market how it is, there is no guarantee that our house will even sell. We've got some things working on our side & we've even had one showing already, but we're just waiting.

It's strange the anticipation I have about everything that's going on. It's scary and exciting and overwhelming all at the same time! I've been ready for this new season for so long and now it's finally right around the corner! God has been so faithful to us throughout our current season of life. School has worked out perfectly for me and for Lewis. We tried to get pregnant for 8 months and then finally got pregnant at exactly the time that it would work out beautifully! I was able to get 8 months at home with Isis and then do a semester of student teaching when both she and I were physically and emotionally ready for it. If it had happened earlier or later, there would have been a whole smorgasbord of other struggles based on jobs, money, etc. I was also able to not work for a year. I was worried that I wouldn't get a job in the spring and then I got this long term sub, which incidentally is starting within 2 weeks of when we would really need the money.

God's timing is so perfect and He has proven Himself so faithful to my family. Now I need to just relax and wait for Him to provide the path to this next season for us. There is no question in my mind at this point that He will do that. I'm just excited to see where it leads!

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The Planet Pink said…
If there's anything I've learned in life, it's this: while you're waiting for the next season to start, don't forget to LIVE in the current season. Sometimes what God wants us to learn comes from the WAITING. I hate to think of what I've missed out on the past because I've been so eager to move on to the next phase. Looking to the future is exciting and hopeful, and it's meant to be that way, to keep us moving. But if all we're doing is looking at the future down a certain pathway, we might totally miss the present, not to mention another path (one better than we can dream up) to take us to that future. So I say that to keep looking forward, but ground yourself in the present, and keep your eyes open. You might be surprised with what you see. :-)
Mama Smors said…
God is SO good and He will be faithful again and again and again. We have all been in that "stuck" place and it is so hard to remember that good things come to those who wait! :) Hang in there, I know it is rough!

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