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Where has the time gone??? Seriously Isis is 11 months old today!! I can't believe it!! I'm so excited, but at the same time, I was over at Dear Baby today (as I am everyday) and Melissa totally reminded me that Isis' birthday is in 1 month and I have completely dropped the ball on planning her party!! I know when it is and where it is and who I'm going to invite, but I have yet to purchase invitations or decide on what we're going to do!

It'll definitely be pretty low-key because it's really more for us than for her. I don't want her to get too over-stimulated, but I'm also just excited to spend some time with friends and family celebrating our sweet girl!!

I love Melissa's idea of using Good Frau for invitations. I love that you can customize them exactly how you want so that your invitations look just like what you want and don't look like anyone else's. I think that's great! (Seriously, she's the master at finding great Etsy stores!)

I also think she has fabulous gift ideas for Christmas. Since I've been student teaching & not working, we don't plan on having a big Christmas this year because we just don't have the resources, but our families have picked out some great things for Isis & I'm excited about those! Although I did think this idea of the IKEA crawl tunnel was pretty amazing - and only $19.99!! I may have to put that on our list!

What did you do for first birthday parties?
Any great themes or party ideas?

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Emily H. said…
"One Charming Party" always has good ideas...a little older generally, but still inspirational.
Adriel Booker said…
I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you're doing. We'll have to try and Skype again over the Christmas break at some point. We'll be in Oregon on Monday night - woohoo!!! Isis is getting so big. Can't believe we're going to have one-year-olds soon. *sniff sniff*
Lindsey Clair said…
How exciting, they grow up so fast! We did a moonbounce party on my oldest's first birthday! It was a blast :)

vanita said…
Happy Happy Birthday Isis! She's growing so beautifully! For Damian's first birthday we did a Go Diego Go theme, all orange and green. We didn't have a party for Natasha because times are tough this year but we did do a cake which she licked most of, and we did do presents which she was too busy packing the pretty boxes to bother with opening them. imagine her surprise when she found there were baby dolls and colorful toys in the boxes. :-D

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