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Wish List on a Day Off!

Today is Lewis' birthday. He took off work Wednesday, Thursday & Friday of this week because I'm also off on fall break. Today we decided to have our babysitter keep Isis anyway so that we could have a day together just hanging out without a baby like we used to! It's crazy because we haven't had a day alone like this since before Isis was born!! Of course I ended up cleaning & organizing most of the morning, but now I'm just laying in bed watching a movie! In the middle of the day!!! Because I can.

But I'm also catching up on blog reading & thanks to Adriel's new Photography series at The Mommyhood Memos & then all Jhen's beautiful pics at From Here to Eternity, I'm thinking about the fact that I badly want a DSLR camera. It's my #1 wish list item for Christmas. If I got nothing but that, I would be so happy! It's like the gift that keeps on giving!

I really want a Canon Rebel xti, but I'm open to other suggestions. I also heard good things about a Nikon D40. But here's my question, since most of you are taking fabulous pics for your blogs...

What kind of camera do you have??
What do you like about it?

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Jhen.Stark said…
Hey! Thanks for popping over and for the sweet comments!!!! I sent an email with camera details! And yes, Adriel's post was perfect for photo tips!

How nice to have some time with just you and the hubs!!!!!! Envious big time ;0)

Enjoy vegging in bed in the middle of the day!
Liz said…
do you have a lot of experience with cameras? i only ask because mine is not at the level of a rebel or some nikon DSLR, but i know that i have more capabilities than i understand how to use. i guess, before you spend the money, make sure you'll actually use all the extra "stuff" the high-end cameras have to offer.
Lindsey Clair said…
What a doll! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) Isn't nice having husband and you time. Gosh it's been a while since me and hubby have had that LOL We had a nice date like that back in May for our anniversary but nothing since lol I found it was easier with one kids to get a sitter for date days and nights but now with three not so much LOL

Tat said…
I'd love to learn how to take better pictures, too. I want to do a short photography course, but it has stayed on the 'one day in the future' list for a while now.
Anonymous said…
What a nice day for you and your husband. You have to take those days every once in awhile.
I have a NikonD5000 and I love it. The reason we got it is because I photograph all my children's many athletic endeavors and it does a really great job with it. It is a big camera so you can't really carry it everywhere. I have a little camera that I carry in my purse to catch all those random shots.
Good Luck hunting for your gift!
Unknown said…
So nice to have a relaxing day to yourselves -- enjoy!

Also loving Adriel's photo tips. I wish I had some camera advice for you, but I'm in your boat. My camera is a five-year-old Sony digital something or other and I want a nice DSLR!
Shauna said…
Hope you have a good weekend! :) Shauna from
JoJo said…
I just have to say I love the picture of Isis on top. The headband is adorable. Sigh I need a baby girl I can dress up like that.

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