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What a doula does

As many of you probably already know, I'm a big believer in educating & supporting pregnant women in their experience. I used a nurse-midwife & because of that, I heard a lot about doulas. I didn't choose to use one this time, but I was informed on what they did and how to find them in my area, but I know that many women don't know what doulas do or what options they have. When Heather Green contacted me about the possibility of doing a guest post about what doulas can offer a new mom, I was happy to have the opportunity to share with all of you what was available from someone much more informed than I!

When I found out I was pregnant, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted a doula. Not only for me, but for my husband and my family. These amazing women are basically your guardian angels who guide you through the most difficult and painful time of your life. What most people don't know is that doulas do almost everything! From massage and hypnotherapy to taking pictures and relaying your birth plan to the doctors and nurses. My doula was a huge part of helping my husband remember his role during my labor and delivery and looking back, I don't know how we would have made it without her! Couples never know what to expect when it comes to giving birth, not to mention, every pregnancy and birth is different, so having someone that you trust who has been through just about every type of birth imaginable is a huge comfort. The peace of mind a doula gives you throughout your pregnancy is priceless. Many doulas are trained in nursing as well as other medical fields, so doulas are great go betweens when talking with nurses and doctors and understanding what is going on. My doula answered my every question (as dumb as they were) and gave me the 411 on everyone from area specialists to lactation consultants. Another plus, doulas are so affordable! We paid $200 for our doula and after my 8 months of endless questions and a 13 hour labor, my doula was still standing and ready for action. If you are considering hiring a doula, do your research, I highly recommend these amazing helpers.

Heather Green is a Christian mom, freelance writer, pet lover and the resident blogger for, a free informational website offering tips
and advice on online nursing schools

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