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This is the face I had to leave this morning!

Today was my orientation day at school. All the student teachers came in to get our syllabus & all our instructions for what is expected this semester. It's definitely a lot!! I was a little overwhelmed, but I immediately started color-coding my calendar to prepare for due dates & seminars I have to attend! I think I'll do pretty well with this! 

Isis did great with her babysitter, Hannah today! I was already gone when Hannah got there, but Lewis said that Isis immediately recognized her from all the times she's babysat already & she had a big smile on her face as soon as Hannah walked in! Then Hannah left the room & Isis got upset, so that's all a good sign! She napped well & ate well & overall things were just great!

So now here I am, still with a list of about 4 things I need to get done before I can go to bed. My hair is in a towel from taking a shower, I still need to pick out my clothes for tomorrow (yes Mama Hen, I'll be wearing flats!! I actually bought this great new comfy pair from Target & thought of you when I bought them!), I need to fold some clothes & I need to wind down by watching a Friends episode or something! I've got some posts I've been working on for this week, but I'm having to do blog stuff in these in-between moments where I have a second to sit down! As soon as I get in a groove, life will go more smoothly. Right now I'm very thankful & excited about my lovely guest bloggers for next week! They'll be sharing their new mom tips!!

Finally, I need to say how incredibly thankful I am for my blog friends. Seriously you have no idea how much it meant to know that I had a big day today, but all I had to do was check back on this post & my email inbox to see lots of great "good luck" comments & encouragement!! I am so humbled by the friendships I've made through blogging! I promise that although my posting may drop back to more like 3 or 4 times a week for a little while, I'm still here & I still so greatly appreciate each & every one of you!!

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JIll said…
Glad to hear things went well. Good luck with student teaching. You will make it.
The Planet Pink said…
I've been thinking about you today! I'm glad things went great!
Gretchen said…
So glad things went well today!
Heather Jones said…
I'm glad to hear things went well too. I'm following you from awhile back. Sorry its been so long since I commented last. I hope the school year is a great one for you!

Mommy Only Has Two Hands!
Jessica said…
That's wonderful! Congratulations, again! My first weeks back at work were the most challenging, but I think I am getting the hang of things now! I hope you have a wonderful school year!
Lindsey Clair said…
I know what it's like heading back to work leaving a precious face...ughhhh Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my post "Godly Parent, Godly Morals" God is so good! I will definitely check out those books! I am always looking for new Christian books to read. I have close family and friends that live in the Bible belt, pretty awesome! It's nice to have a new blogging buddy! I added your blog button! Feel free to add mine :) Have a blessed day :)

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