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A Little Weekend Reading...

I totally dropped the ball this week on my Weekend Reading. I've been busy trying to get ready for starting my student teaching next week & I've just really lost some momentum with my blog reading & commenting. That makes it hard to craft a post based on great things I've read lately when I haven't read much!! So I'm catching up on my reading & commenting tonight & in the meantime I decided to let you all into a little of my Google Reader action.

I currently am subscribed to 188 blogs or websites on my reader. They are organized into 22 folders. Here are a few of the blogs in a new folder I recently created called "Blog Buddies!" These are bloggers that I really consider friends. They comment regularly on my blog & many of them have emailed back & forth with me! This list doesn't include everyone in the folder, but I didn't want to give away all my secrets!! Plus it gives me a few more I can share if I get too overwhelmed once student teaching starts! Please check out these lovely friends of mine!

Also I have to share a little special shout-out to my friend Nikki at Mommy Oblongata!! She lives near me & actually ran into me at Target on Friday afternoon! It's the first time someone recognized me in real life from my blog! We knew that we lived close, so it wasn't a shock to run into her, but it was still really exciting!! Although I was pretty much a hot mess & was trying to maneuver Isis & her shopping cart cover & was doing it very ungracefully. When I walked away from Nikki I was thinking, "wow she probably thinks I'm crazy!"

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Mama Hen said…
Hey Cameron, good luck with your student teaching. Did you ever get my e-mail back to you? I hope it helped. Please let me know if you need any other questions answered. You will do a great job!

Mama Hen
Crystal said…
I think I actually discovered "Another Lunch" through one of your past posts. She has the most fun ideas for her kids lunches!! I don't know if I will ever be good about that, but I love seeing what she comes up with, and it gives me good ideas for healthy lunches in general (even if they aren't also cute)!
Good luck with your teaching!!
I have a blog award for you! Come over to to receive it!
Unknown said…
I love reading your posts and hope you have a great week with your student teaching.

I've left a little something for you over at
Amy said…
I love you, you are such a doll! Thanks so much for thinking of me! I read many of those blogs too. You will be GREAT at your student teaching. If there's anything I've learned in the past few weeks of my crazy job, it's do what you can and don't feel bad you can't get to every blog thing everyday. Good luck!
Sister, you have arrived! Recognized from your blog?! That is awesome!!! Best of luck with your student teaching and thanks for always listing such great reads!
Nikki said…
Ack! It was so good to see you on Friday! First, I felt like such a stalker! Secondly, I thought it was so odd that I recognized you so easily and thirdly I had the same hot mess feeling. I actually thought, "Wow, on a day I meet someone for the first time, I could have at least wore some makeup!"
Adriel Booker said…
i totally hear you on the getting behind... and yet, it's life! we just do our best! i love this post, and love that there's a couple new ones on there for me. i'm the same as you - always amazed at the blogs you find! such goodies. some of my faves have been through you (ie melissa @ dr mom). and i love that you met a blog bud at target! not much chance of that happening for me here. ;) you must have felt like a celebrity being recognized! lol. hope you had a great weekend. you're gonna be an awesome teacher!!! enjoy going back to school! xx
Unknown said…
So cool that you were recognized! Thanks for linking to these blogs. I knew of most of them, but I have some new ones to follow. Already loving Somebody's Parents!
JoJo said…
Wow Cameron thanks for sending everyone over to me!! Good luck with everything, I know how life can get busy and hectic, but your student teaching is what needs to come first now. We're still here rooting for you all the way!
Lindsey Clair said…
I love your blog and the fact that you are a Christian mom! I love finding new christian mom blogs! Please stop by mine anytime at this link belwo since I do not have a blogger account with my personal blog! God bless :)
Unknown said…
Hope you had a great weekend Cameron! I've got a blog award for you over at my place.

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