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Editorial Calendar...31DBBB Day #12

I used to do an editorial calendar each week on my other blog, but I never started doing it with this one. After reading today's task for the 31DBBB challenge, I realized that it was going to be a good idea to set it up ASAP. That way I know what's coming & I can prepare in advance. This will help SO much when I start my student teaching in the fall & I try to get everything done. I used some of the topics from yesterday's task & some of the things I just know I'm doing on a regular basis right now, including Mommy's Piggy Tales, A Little Weekend Reading, my CSA share info & the 31DBBB posts! Since next week is my birth stories guest posts week, I did an editorial calendar for the following week. Next week all you can expect are the guest posts, which are scheduled & my 31DBBB posts, which I'm finishing this weekend & will also be scheduled.

August 1-7: Birth Stories guest posts & 31DBBB challenge posts
August 8: What is a Crunchy Mama? & 31DBBB Day 21
August 9: How to Find Time to Blog & 31DBBB Day 22
August 10: So Many Mom Hats & 31DBBB Day 23
August 11: CSA Share #5 & 31DBBB Day 24 & Links to Organic blogs/resources
August 12: 5 Pet Peeves/Easy Changes for your Blog & 31DBBB Day 25 & Mommy's Piggy Tales #10
August 13: A Little Weekend Reading & 31DBBB Day 26
August 14: 10 Time Wasters & 31DBBB Day 27

I've also decided to do my 30 Days of Television posts on my Ingenue Perspective blog rather than on this one. Those will begin on August 1!

Do you think an editorial calendar would be helpful for you?
Do you already use editorial calendars?
How far in advance do you plan your posts?

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Ahhh... I need to get on this. An editorial calendar is a must!
Nolie said…
What? Planning posts? The only thing I plan are giveaways and memes. However I still need to drink more coffee and do today's task so we will see what the outcome is.
jisabird said…
At this point, since I only post 3x's a week, I just mentally plot them out in my head.

I like to take a lot of pictures for my posts, so I usually have one day that I do uploads and writing and the next day I finalize the edit and post it.

I could see that being handy when I move to 5 days a week posting.
Rosilind Jukic said…
I am looking forward to these!! Especially the one on finding time to blog. Ugh! I have let mine go - I am off now to apologize to my readers and get caught up!
Adriel Booker said…
i'm sure you're planning on it, but please in your blogging pet peeves post mention word verification and "hi, follow me!" comments. ;)
Shrine Readers said…
Hi! Visiting from #31dbbb. You are so organized withn your editorial calendar! I read you're student teaching 4th grade? I teach 4th grade and plan to incorporate some"teaching perspective" into my blog soon. Have fun!
Mama Hen said…
I don't really plan posts, but I do have posts popping up in my head all of the time and have to write them down. I have not done an editorial calendar. Thank you for your comment! It was really nice! I am starting a network and should have it going by next week. I have worked quite some time on getting this ready! I would love to have you join and would like to feature your blog. Let me know! Have a great night!

Mama Hen
~Lisa~ said…
Wow, you are organized. My blog is not planned out, it depends on what I decide to cook or bake for that day (what I'm craving or want to try). Somethings can be planned out like desserts, veggie dishes/sides. But generally not. But I can see why it would be useful for some bloggers. I would do one if I had that much to do too. Oh you have an award from me on my blog (=

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