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Popeye Got Me In Trouble...Mommy's Piggy Tales #3

Age 6 or First Grade

My first grade teacher was Mrs. Crouch. She was a friend of my mom’s. My mom is also a teacher. She taught for 27 years & just retired a few weeks ago. The majority of that time, she taught Kindergarten. Mrs. Crouch’s daughter, Emily, actually babysat for me later in my life. Now Emily is also a teacher & has a daughter of her own. Mrs. Crouch also has a son named Layne & I remember thinking he was really cute. Too funny.

I remember liking first grade. I made several friends that year that I kept through the rest of elementary school. There were two in particular named Janie & Laura. Janie’s mom was a teacher’s assistant at the school and Laura’s dad was the county judge. I have a really clear memory of Janie & I getting in trouble for singing a Popeye the Sailor Man song. Do you remember this one?

Popeye the Sailor Man
He lived in a garbage can
He turned on the heater
And burned off his wiener
Popeye the Sailor Man

Classy, I know. But we were 6. Come on. Anyway, we got in BIG trouble & had to sit in the hall in time-out. This was unfortunate because both of our mothers worked in classrooms on the same hall. Looking back on it, I think Mrs. Crouch probably did this on purpose, because our mothers walked by several minutes later & we both burst into tears. 20 years later, I still remember that song & the fact that it got me in trouble!!

I started dance lessons this year. I did tap, jazz & ballet. This continued until I was in middle school. I was also in the wedding of a close family friend. This was at the very beginning of first grade, but it was the only wedding where I was the flower girl! My cousin was the ring bearer. Unfortunately my most distinct memory of that wedding is of me throwing up in the hotel the night before after eating cheese cubes at the rehearsal dinner.

I’m starting to see a pattern of me just remembering bad things!! Hopefully this changes as I continue with my Mommy’s Piggy Tales!

Mommy’s Piggy Tales - Week #1
Mommy’s Piggy Tales - Week #2


Jodie Ansted said…
Awww - you made a cute flower girl! I was a "Junior Bridesmaid" as my cousin called it, when I was 7. Loved every minute. I kept asking for more lipstick.

Love your tale!
I think I remember mostly traumatic or bad things, and they seem more interesting to write about.

I don't think I've ever heard that version of Popeye...
Olivia said…
I don't know--I'm sure that moment of trouble was used for much good in the rest of your life. : )
Crystal said…
That was a new version of the song then I remember! I can see why it might've gotten you in some trouble!
I too think I remember more bad things, at least more vividly then the good ones.
Thanks for sharing!
Casie said…
That song is the funniest version ever! I knew the actual cartoon version of the song but had never heard that. Too cute.

And I totally get the "being a teacher's kid" thing. It was rough sometimes!
Robin @ Blommi said…
You were quite the little rebel. The song made me giggle.

Now following you from Friendly Friday Follow.
berrypatch said…
I'd never heard that version either. ;-) Loved all your memories.
Unknown said…
Lovely blog! Cute story!
Would love for you to say hi and follow me back, Happy Friday follow!
Erin Wallace said…
Following from NYC Island Girl's FBF - hope to see you at Dropped Stitches.

xo Erin
Letherton said…
here from fbf Take a minute an check my blog out if you haven't already.
I have lots of great giveaways going on.
Thanks :)
Thanks for my award! Big shout out for ya over at my place today. Swing on by and take a look. Have a great weekend!

Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner
Oh...this makes me feel so much better! No I don't remember that song, but I seem to only be remembering when I did something bad...I keep asking my mother for stories...give me break, I am 49!
I then think about my kids and wonder if we are only retelling stories of them getting in trouble and not their successes...but that is what brings the laughs when they gather around the table. They are usually telling them on themselves.
Enjoyed...stopped by from group 2 of Mommy Piggy Tales,
Unknown said…
i dont' remember that version LOL

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