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10 on Tuesday: 10 Things You Think Are Cool

I don't have nearly as much to say about any of the others, so that's why this one is first. I wrote about why I liked it one time & this is what I said (Feb. 14, 2008):
I love people. I love their hope, their pain, their strengths and weaknesses, their love and joy, their despair and sorrow. I think that the stronger the depth of emotion, the more vulnerable and open someone has allowed themselves to be to the world. I think there is no great love without great loss, or at least the possibility of it. I think there is no great achievement without a certain amount of failure. I think our turbulent past opens the door to a future that is bright and open because we have learned the lowest we can go and we've decided to keep moving forward. I think every loss is an opportunity to appreciate and grow. I think every joy is a blessing that you can carry with you through those moments when life is not a joy. I think we beat each other down for all kinds of different reasons and I think the world would be a better place if we weren't afraid to admit that we all are beautiful and funny and sad and lonely and capable and misunderstood and stronger than we think and more blessed than we know.
2. Movie Trailers
3. Skinny jeans
4. Big sunglasses
5. GroVia cloth diapers
6. Import cars
7. iPhones
8. New York City
9. Reading
10. Sincere conversation

Check out 10 on Tuesday for more ideas!
Also check out more of my 10 on Tuesdays!


Unknown said…
Hi, Following you from FMBT. Pls follow me back when you get the chance @
Wilmary S. said…
We concur on #2, #3, #4, #6, #7, #8, #9 and #10! LOL!!! We can so be friends!!! ;)
Crystal said…
I checked out that Post Secret, it certainly is interesting. Some were so sad, but touching and some I want to post for everyone to read because they were funny! Thanks for sharing!
Megan said…
Love the 10 on Tuesday posts! Thanks for following me from FMBT.

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