...burps and farts are exciting and even CUTE.
...your morning routine has been cut from an hour to about 15 minutes.
...you’re picking someone’s nose. And it’s not your own.
...you have 20 minutes of free time and you’re able to get done what used to take you 2 hours to do.
...the slightest baby whimper wakes you up, but you sleep right through a level 4 earthquake.
...you’re willing to stand in one spot for 20 minutes, taking 100 pictures, hoping to get ONE good one. But you can’t delete any because they’re ALL good ones.
...you have caught spit-up in your hand.
...you have shared a fifteen-minute conversation about your baby with a complete stranger at the grocery store.
...you are just as surprised when you sleep through the night as when your child does.
...you look through family pictures, and realize there aren’t very many of you, because you are always behind the camera yourself.
...you have time to shave only one leg at a time.
...you spend an entire week wearing sweats.
Ah, lovely.