Have you ever been just completely overwhelmed by the sheer volume of blogs out there you can read? I have. Wow. So many fabulous people I'm interested in reading about! I love the stories, the humor, the pictures, the tips, the giveaways, the links, I just love it all! So I've found myself having to streamline my blog reading in order to better manage my time & make sure I hit the "must-reads" for me. Here's how I've done it: First of all, if you leave a comment on my blog or if you follow my blog, I will go to your blog & at the very least I will follow you on Google Friend Connect . This way the blog shows up on my blogger dashboard when I log in. I always look over the new posts that are there when I log in each day, but if you've looked at my Google Friend Connect page lately, you'll see that I follow a lot of people's blogs! So I had to come up with a more specific approach in addition to the blogger dashboard. This is where my Goog...
If you have a ring sling, for newborns,the tummy to tummy hold is often good.
Place the sling over your non-dominant arm.
2.Now pull the carrier over your head and place it on the opposite shoulder, place your baby's feet into the pouch.
3. Carefully lay your baby's head down in the carrier.Make sure Your baby's head is nearest the shoulder the pouch is resting on.
Sidenote: if intersted in a new carrier When you buy new native baby slings they each come with instuctional dvd's.
www.babyslingsite.com for more baby sling information