So here we are. After 7 months of trying, we finally got pregnant the first month that we actually tried NOT to get pregnant. I guess it's true what everyone says - it happens when you stop trying. It's just hard to stop trying when you want it so bad! We've been married for almost 5 years and we've been ready for a baby for the last year. It was a really incredible experience finally realizing that it was time to start trying. Lewis had a year left working on his MBA. I had about 2 years left in the College of Education. We thought about waiting until after I had been teaching for a year, but against lots of very strong advice from my mother, we decided that waiting that long just wasn't for us. We were ready to begin. I still have a year left of school, but I'm due at the very beginning of January 2010 and all I will have left is my student teaching. As hard as it will be to have someone watch the baby while I'm student teaching, I can't imagine another way. Seeing how Lewis is so interested in being really involved and having time for himself and the baby, I know I'll be given lots of help to succeed in that last semester.
So many things go through your head when you find out you're pregnant. It took me a week or so before I even really allowed myself to be excited about it. So strange considering we had been trying and wanting it for so long. When I finally took those 3 consecutive positive home pregnancy tests, I still just wouldn't allow it to be real. I just didn't believe it! Now here we are, I've known for 3 weeks. We were going to wait until 12 weeks before telling our families, but I've been so nauseous and cranky and emotional that I just want them to know so that maybe I can explain why I'm acting so crazy.
We decided around the time we started trying that I didn't want to use medication at all during the delivery. I always think ahead and I wanted to go ahead and start preparing myself mentally for that experience. I've definitely had lots of people telling me that I'm crazy and that when I go into labor I'll be begging for an epidural. Honestly, I believe that my chances of that happening will be greatly reduced if I prepare myself ahead of time for no medication. Natural birth is just the only option that seems to fit with our family desires. So barring some major complications, that will remain the plan.
We also have decided to use a midwife rather than an OB. I have my first appointment on June 10. We have an ultrasound at 10am and then will meet with the midwife. I'm very excited and nervous about all of it! It's just so overwhelming to finally be here! I look forward to 7 more months of learning and growing - in more ways than 1 I guess!
We are telling our families tonight, so this blog, which is hidden from my profile right now, will be added tonight or tomorrow morning. If you've been following my regular blog, now maybe you'll be interested in a more personal side of me! I need to see if Jaye can make me a new logo that's a little more baby/mom related!