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Back to Work

So I've been back to work for 3 1/2 weeks! I can't believe it's already been that long! It's flown by! For those of you who don't know, I teach 4th grade. I absolutely love my job. That's one thing that has made it much easier to go back. I would hate leaving Isis & Lux if it was a job I didn't enjoy, but I do! It was so great to come back and see all my kids at school! I have such a great group of students this year and I really missed them! 
I started back on the Wednesday after New Years when school started back after Christmas break. It was good to start back mid-week because it wasn't as overwhelming in terms of time away from Isis & Lux. But it was a little overwhelming overall. I had been nervous about pumping because with Isis when I started pumping, I quickly noticed a drop in my supply. After about 3 weeks, it was drastically less. The first day I went to pump for the first time at 9:00. Can we just stop for a minute & mention the fact that it's just plain awkward to have your boobs out in an elementary school, even in private. So I'm pumping for my first time at school and I got 8 oz!! That's crazy! I was so excited and feeling really great about the fact that pumping at school might actually work!!! ......then I started pouring it in the breastmilk bag and subsequently spilled it all over myself and all over the floor. I immediately started crying. You know that expression "don't cry over spilled milk?" Yeah that doesn't apply to breastmilk. I cried a lot. I had to call another teacher to come down and bring me paper towels. I think she thought I was crazy.
Lux also decided to suddenly refuse a bottle her first 2 days at the sitter. I had been giving her a bottle a day since she was 3 weeks old and she'd taken one from me, Lewis, my mom and Lewis' mom over the 8 weeks between then and when she started at the sitter. But suddenly when I'm back to school, she just flat refused. Thursday afternoon, Lewis texts me that she stopped having wet diapers & that he went to the sitter to try to get her to take a bottle, but she wouldn't, I just broke down crying at school again. My goal for Friday was to not cry.
That Friday she finally took part of a bottle at the sitter, pumping went well and I didn't cry at all! We made Lux take at least 2 bottles a day over that weekend and by Monday she was good to go! Things have gone great ever since! It's definitely an adjustment and I have to get up earlier & our mornings are a little crazier, but overall I love being back at work & Lux is doing great at the sitter! She did just get her first cold and we had to deal with that for about a week, but things are good. She's sweet and growing & everybody is happy!


Glad the transition is going fairly smoothly. And it's totally okay to cry over spilled breastmilk. The stuff is liquid gold!
The Host said…
I have breast milk in the freezer from pumping for my daughter. She's nearly four so it's not usable, but I can't bring myself to throw it out. Irrational? Perhaps. But only a mom who has spilled that hard earned milk knows the heartbreak of having it go to waste.
Just now seeing this; love. I probably couldn't count the times I've cried over "spilt milk"--I definitely agree that breastmilk doesn't count. One time I was making an appetizer, had pulled it out of the oven and somehow the bottle spilled into the sink onto the hot cookie sheet and immediately spoiled and surrounded me with a terrible smell. I sat in the floor clutching my 2 ounces that didn't spill and started crying..haha..the stories we won't forget.

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