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Preparing for the future

I walked in graduation in May & now just have my student teaching to complete!
I'm in the middle of my last full week at home with Isis before I start student teaching next Wednesday. I am both excited & scared. I'm also a little sad. I have such mixed emotions about this. For one, I have always been the woman who knew that she wasn't cut out to be a stay at home mom. As much as I adore spending time with Isis, I also have a passion for teaching & I can't wait until the day that I have my own classroom & my own group of students. I also know that we are not at a point where we can prepare for the future & have me stay at home. We get by fine in the day to day, but we want to save for college & we would love to go on vacations & mission trips & we would love to give to organizations in need beyond our normal tithe & have more babies!! Not to mention the fact that a teacher's health insurance would far exceed what we have right now for me & Isis. So there have always been many reasons why I have wanted to work.

At the same time, I went to daycare from the time I was very young. I still have fond memories of daycare & I still have a relationship with the people who ran the daycare I was a part of. My mom actually just retired from her job as a kindergarten teacher & is now the preschool coordinator at the daycare I went to. Isis will go there when it's time for her to be in preschool. I want her to be able to spend time apart from me & become an independent, social little girl. This isn't saying that she couldn't become that if I stayed home, it's just one of the reasons why I am confident in daycare for her later. I have a wonderful friend who is going to watch her in the fall while I'm student teaching. My best friend, Diana is also going to watch her on Fridays. So I feel really good about where she will be & as I can see she's starting to get super clingy to me lately, I think it will be good for her to learn that she can enjoy her time with other caretakers as well as see that I come back when I leave. 

Overall, I know that me starting student teaching & ultimately becoming a full-time teacher myself is what is best for my family & me specifically. I know myself & I think I will be a better mother if I'm able to contribute in these ways. I feel so blessed to live in a country where a woman is free to choose whether she wants to stay home or work & where I see wonderful examples of both choices on a daily basis. Being a mom is tough either way. It is really hard to think of being away from Isis during the days, but thinking about our future & our opportunities because I'm doing this makes me feel confident & proud of myself for finishing school & starting in a career that I care a lot about. I know that Isis will be in good hands & I hope she is one day proud of her mama for becoming a teacher!

How do you handle being a working mom if you are one?
How did you decide which choice was best for you? (Working vs staying at home)
What tips would you have for a working mom?

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The Planet Pink said…
I've done a little bit of it all, and honestly, it's all hard and comes with sacrifices. You have to do what's best for your family. Best of luck to you as you start this new chapter!
Asashia said…
Congratulations on your student teaching Cameron! There is so much to learn once you get in the classroom. You'll see what will work for you and what won't. You'll have sooo many ideas pop up along the way. You can check out my back to school post from today to give you perspective of someone who's been teaching for 7 years too! Please, please contact me if you have questions...or want to vent! Believe me, there will be days!
As for a balancing act, the one thing I can say that has helped me is to set aside designated "play with Little Bit" time when I get home from work. You will always have a running to do list of things that need to be taken care of at work and at home. But remembering how much our little ones need us to be there for them as they grow has to outweigh that list. For me, this can be hard. I'm a neat freak at heart and love to have a good meal always ready. It just doesn't always work out that way. But knowing that Little Bit got time with his mommy is worth it so much more.
Kim said…
Thanks for your comment on Green Momma. I know how kids can put the strain on a budget, boy do they ever. Canning is such an easy way to help the budget, and continue to be a control freak about what goes in their mouths. ;)

I'm following you back. Happy Tuesday!! :)
Unknown said…
I went back to work around the same time as you did, when my son was 7 months old. While I had mixed emotions about it like you do, I found it to be the best thing for me and also felt I was lucky to have the best of both worlds.

It can be extremely exhausting, though, especially if you are doing the majority of the housework on top of working out of the home and caring for your little one. I agree with Asashia on setting aside special time with Isis. Also, find a way to balance out household stuff with your husband. I'm trying to be better at not taking too much on myself. It's a learning process!
Anonymous said…
What an awesome achievement, Cameron. Congratulations. It takes a special person to be a teacher. Way to go.

I was a single mom working full-time for 11 years. It was really hard. I am happily now a stay-at-home-mom (although I have my projects) and I am very aware that that's hard work too!

It really does come down to your own personal goals & dreams and doing what is right for you and your little family.

Kids adapt easy and I am sure Isis will be fine. She still has a good mama who is looking out for the best for her.

Good Luck with all of this.
Nicole said…
Congratulations on student teaching! My sister is going through her teaching degree and next year will start student teaching, its a great job especially during these times. I think its up to each person whether they stay at home. Its important I think to have that time but also important to find that right balance for whats best for the family, and it sounds like a perfect situation, especially since her grandma will be running the preschool that she'll be going to! We're talking about having children soon etc, and just because we live in the city and there are way too many kids in day care/preschool already, we wouldn't be able to, but if I were in your situation I would go for it!
Sey said…
I couldn't give you some advice about being a mom and choices that you have to make in between but I could help with the teaching career. I am a teacher too and I love that especially the good times I spent with my students.

It is such a fulfillment to mold students mind and soon when they go their own way, they will never forget you. It is a very rewarding profession. So good luck!!!
Megan said…
Such a cute picture and it definitely brings back many good memories! You will have so much fun this semester! I'll be thinking of you :)
Crystal said…
I am blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom, but I also feel restless often. Someday I want to go back to school and back to work. But my biggest concern is I want my children to be able to do the after school fun without worrying about finding a ride. I could never do any sports or activities because my mom was always working so I had no way to get home most often. Once I did get a car, I ended up having to use that time to work to pay for the car! So hopefully I can find a job that also enables me to be there for them in the afternoons, it is very important to me.
Jessica said…
Good for you for following your dreams! I recently returned to work from an extended FMLA stint. I work from home three days out of the week, and I am in the office the other two days out of the week.

I talk about it more on my blog, but I decided to return to work because I enjoy the work that I do. I am a writer and curriculum designer. Also, with my flexible work schedule, I felt that I would be able to get the "best of both worlds."

Some tips
-Set your time and commitment boundaries early between work and
-Take one day at a time. Trust me, there will be good and bad days. Just pray about it, and you will get through it.
-Plan for your work day the night before. In adding a job to the mix, you will have even less time than you did as a sahm. Plan for that.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at:

I wish you all the luck!
~Lisa~ said…
Cameron, you're a good mommy. And you have everything in order to start doing what you love. Good luck with everything and isis will be just fine. Especially if your mom is with the preschool you intend on sending her. Best wishes mama!
Shanna said…
Hello! I am your newest follower from the Tuesday Blog Hops. I felt the need to be a SAHM because (PERSONAL OPINION!!!) I feel it would be better for my child. I wanted to be the one caring for my child, not a daycare provider. When my son starts PRE K, I will be graduating college, and headed back to work! Anyway, I look forward to reading more of your blog! Have a wonderful week!
Mama Smors said…
cameron, so excited for you!!! have a great 1st week.... can't wait to hear all about it. working or not you are a fabulous mommy!
Liz said…
it's pretty cool to see a picture of you with isis in your gown!

what grade(s) do you want to teach?
woman who roars said…
I work full time from home - which is a rare gift. My company has me fly in for a few days every other month and other than that, I'm in the home office aka guest room. We have four kids and def. need childcare to enable any work actually getting done, and the most economical and practical option is hosting an au pair. Cost wise and for scheduling it made the most sense (I pay about $7/hour for the au pair)
JoJo said…
Such an exciting milestone for you!!

I know you'll succeed and figure out the perfect balance!
Annette said…
I'm now following you back from FMBT. Congratulations on getting to the final and most important step--student teaching. I thinking teaching is a great career to have as a mommy; not only will your classroom and teaching skills benefit teaching your little one, but you'll have important holidays and your summers off too. I teach writing classes at a college and love having a "teacher's schedule." It gives me the best of both worlds--extra cash and time to still be with my little two year-old. I have to say that I'm glad that I read your post because in just a few weeks, Little Lewie will be entering daycare for his first time. I've been worried about this, but you reminded me of all the benefits. Thank you.
Deb said…
Hello there! Thanks for the follow...following back.

I am a working mom, though I wish I didn't have to be; let me rephrase that, actually, i just wish I could work from home. My passion is writing and I have a BA in English, so eventually I would like to freelance from home, but I'm just not at a point where that can sustain our family.
Amber said…
Congrats to you! I am a working mother and student. It's tough but it all works out and I wouldn't have it another way. One of the best experiences my daughter has been allowed is going to her daycare home each day and having the ability to socialize while not under my wing. She has grown in leaps and bounds and I think she gets bored on my 2 days/week I am home with her, without her little friends around :) Goooood luck!
Booyah's Momma said…
Being a working mom is a huge balancing act (as is motherhood in general!), but it sounds like you're going in with a great attitude! Best of luck to you.

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